Tuesday, February 17, 2009

MIRAGE PHOTO is doing our own stimulus package..... ONE STINKING PENNY AT A TIME!! In a desperate attempt to rid the office of unwanted supplies, we managed to track down some very attractive yet quite obsolete stamps. Realizing that folks would not catch our blatant attempt at mail fraud, we decided to pre-stamp our return envelopes with these relics. Low and behold, our first bride we attempt this little scheme on catches us red handed and was forced to lay down the law. It seemed only fair that we allowed them to short their wedding deposit check by a penny in an attempt to hide our shame. Those of us at Mirage Photo hope that you will put that copper coin to good use. Tip a DJ, make a wish in a passing well, lay it on a railroad track and see what cool shape it becomes after a thousand tons of American Metal run it over. Use it to penny a door shut and lock a roommate in a dorm room for hours until maintenance can come and free them. Or do like I do, toss it onto the center console of your car where it can turn green and sticky from sitting in the sludge from spilled beverages. I am truly glad that we could do our part to turn this economy back around. You can't tax us for $798 Billion without first stealing a penny.
Not quite sure what will happen when postage goes up to 44 cents later this year. I suppose there will be a lot of $399.96 deposit checks sitting around because heaven knows, I won't be smart enough to get to the post office in time.

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