Thursday, March 25, 2010

We're Back Baby!

After two months of being blog free and recovering from what feels like a whirlwind tour of the United States, technically just Las Vegas and Kansas City, we are back and right smack dab in the heart of wedding season. So what's new you ask?? Maybe you didn't quite feel comfortable asking such a personal question, well fortunately for you, I am just going to tell you what's been going on. Lots of stuff... I mean that, lot's and lot's of stuff.

Since we last talked, I bought a fancy digital scale that is apparently broken because it adds like 50 pounds to everything it weighs. Thank goodness I kept the receipt on that piece of &%*%. I think I will return it today when I get done at the gym. They must buy their weighing devices at the same popular retail outlet where I shop because their stinkin' scale is experiencing the same "glitch" as the one I am going to return. I should probably issue a strongly worded letter to that company. There is no way they are aware of the lies the products are capabable of producing. Someone is going to get their feelings hurt unless I take a stand. Whew.. lots to do today.

In addition to the never ending battle with my shrinking wardrobe (faulty dryer) I have been working on some new aspects for the business. We are going to roll out our new website and I think it looks HOT. At least everyone will get to see some new pictures that aren't 3 years old. I am almost embarrassed by our current site. It is so outdated... you know it's not good when you refer people to your website by apologizing to them. "Please don't judge us by our current work because we are SOOOO much better now." Does not really instill a sense of confidence, does it?

We have just put the finishing touches on our Bridal Show display. I will post a picture of it on one of my upcoming blogs. It was an absolute labor of love and (aside from a couple minor tweaks) I am very happy with how it looks. Thanks to some new slideshow software, a giant flat screen monitor and a kickass neon sign, we are ready to set up for any shows that come our way. Now that I think of it, we could even set up at a reception and run a show of engagement pictures for guests... damn, that is a great idea... I am glad this will be down in writing so I can look back on it a few months from now and think "why the hell didn't I ever do that". Brilliant, I am going to have to start leaving messages to myself in future posts. The new blog title, MIRAGE PHOTO's place to remind themselves of crap they should be doing to improve their business but decided to just leave it out here so other photographers can borrow their brilliant ideas and put them in place before we get a chance to implement them and be extremely successful. Too wordy??

After years of being a complete slacker when posting new images to the website and blog I am really (sincerely) (I mean it) (no kidding) going to start posting images that we like from the sessions we shoot. In fact, I am going to start today. Are you ready??

These are some of the shots we got over the weekend at Andrea and Craig's wedding. After two days of near 70degree weather, they got handed a 35degree wedding day with a slight chance of snow and a 100% chance of having an uncomfortable bridal party. Everyone made up for the weather by being rockstars and letting us do whatever we wanted to do with them. They rocked it so much it was nearly impossible to select just a few pictures to post. I wanted to post the entire wedding but Samantha said "absolutely not".... party-pooper. Thanks to Andrea and Craig for allowing us into their biggest day and a special thanks to everyone that braved the wind, drizzle, and near freezing temperatures to allow us to capture some amazing photos.

Don't ya just love it when a groom tears up after seeing his beautiful bride?

Surviving the elements.....

Usually the "cool groomsman shots" require placement and prompting, not these guys.

Marines... they just love having their picture taken. Does the military train you to have that stare and the "I could end your life with my pinky finger" smirk??


More Hotness.

Bride down...

Still down... (keeping in mind... it's 35degrees)

We promise not to force any bride to hang out in alleys unless they really really want to do it. Andrea made us do it. Seriously, are you gonna anger a Marine that can kill you with his little finger on his wedding day?? I thought not.

Do you know what's better than roses on a piano? (my second most favorite old joke of all time, my apologies. Someday I will tell you my favorite)

Good Lord, I am exhausted. It's no wonder photographers only blog once a year.
More to come, hang in there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the new website and all the new photos you're going to post on the blog.

I can't wait for our engagement session next Sunday!