Thursday, May 27, 2010

New website is online

Chances are, if you are viewing this blog post, then you are already aware of our new and hopefully improved website.

Our new site went "live" online yesterday. Still working out some bugs and issues with my horrible spelling but it is a much needed improvement over the old site. Too darn bad it will be obsolete in a week or two. Guess I better start working on a new, new website. Please check it out if you have a couple minutes to burn at work or home or from your "I-something" (pod, pad, phone).

Don't have a minute, no worries. At least take a second to check out Amanda and Jason's engagement photo. If you think the balloons are fun, wait until you see the session we shot at a carnival later that week. Their wedding is going to be off the chart on a coolness factor. I almost typed uber cool but stopped myself. Only 132 days to go, right Amanda? Can't wait.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Your response has been phenominal, thank you!!

Memphis is filling up fast. We are going to be busy by the looks of things. We are going to consider an extra day of shooting if the numbers keep increasing. That would put us in Memphis shooting on the 12th, 13th, and 14th. We will be announcing our Chicago dates in the very near future. Check out Heather and Will from their recent Windy City Shoot.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wanna get away?

We are going to be shooting in Memphis on July 12th and 13th. If you are engaged and want some kickbutt engagement pics, a soon-to-be senior that wants completely different portraits than everyone else, or a bride that wants to break out her dress again and do some "un-bridaled" photography, let us kn...ow so we can book your session. How cool would it be to do a family portrait on the Memphis trolleys? Darn cool, check out our Memphis Engagement Video if you are wondering what is possible in Memphis.

Tennessee not your cup off tea? We are scheduling sessions in Chicago, Phoenix, and Las Vegas in the very near future. Drop us a line with your ideas and we will do our best to make it happen.

P.S. - It looks like the new website could be online as early as this weekend. Fingers crossed.