Monday, October 13, 2008

Partner Gone BAD!! A slasher story....

I should probably take a second to warn all of you of the dangers of being a wedding photographer... A midst the numerous other deadly hazards that must be avoided on a daily basis (such as blood blisters, paper cuts, hang nails, and a list of horrors to long to detail here) you have to be on a constant look out for the psychotic breakdowns of partners. After one too many "will you grab that battery bag for me" requests.... a partner that you think you know and trust can go and grab the nearest sharp instrument of death and come after you.

I have no idea if this not-so-rare phenomenon has ever been captured on film before now (cover your eyes if you must). As you can probably tell I am recovering from this brutal attack but I can assure you that there was much blood shed and unspeakable brutality. All of this during what I thought was a beautiful outdoor wedding reception.

PHOTOGRAPHERS BEWARE..... this too can happen to you.

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